Oh, lucky man...

I’ve been doing a spot of early Spring cleaning and unearthed a whole host of pictures and memorabilia. The pictures go back to my first films, 13 Frightened Girls and Casino Royale. I’d honestly forgotten many of them existed.
During the next few months I’ll publish them on the website – in the photo gallery, in Alexandra’s Archive and on the special Fan Club members’ pages. Here’s the first one.
The lucky man in the middle of the bevy of ladies is the great film director John Huston. The picture was taken during the filming of Casino Royale (newsletter subscribers will have read about my experience of Warren Beatty during the filming of the picture. To subscribe to the newsletter, please click here).
The other man in the picture (on the right) is the suave David Niven, one of nature’s gentlemen and a great teller of tales (some of them, I suspect, exceedingly tall ones). You can read them in his wonderful books The Moon's a Balloon and Bring on the Empty Horses. Trust me, if you haven't read them they'll make a long train journey flash by - they're absolutely hilarious.
You can see me on the bottom right. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember the names of the other girls. It’s awful but I just can’t. Can anybody help me out? If you think you know, please email me at [email protected]. If anyone can name all of them, they may receive a surprise in the post – I’ll see what I can come up with.
John Huston was certainly a larger than life character, but had a very sensitive and kind side to his nature. He directed his father Walter Huston in "The Treasure of the Sierra Madrre", for which Walter won an Oscar – what better gift could a son give his father! Here’s a trailer for the film.